
Analysis of The Poem Entitled Trees by Joyce Kilmer using TPCASTT

Trees Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918) I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the sweet earth's flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. The analysis by using TPCASTT: 1. Title : In this poem with the title "trees", I think that this poem will tell about trees that might be related to life. 2. Paraphrase : I don't think I'll ever see A poem as beautiful as a tree. A tree whose mouth is always hungry, like a baby Against the flowing breast of the beautiful soil; A tree that spends the entire day staring at God, and its leafy stems resemble the hands of a prayer; In the summer, a tree can be a good place to live for robins to place their nests in trees; As well as th...

An Analysis of Rhyme Patterns in Fire and Ice Poetry - Robert Frost

Fire and Ice (1920) by Robert Frost Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great, And would suffice. Analysis: The types of rhymes are: - The first stanza consists of 4 lines, has a continuous rhyme (rima terus) with a-a-a-a pattern. - The second stanza consists of 5 lines, has a cross rhyme (rima silang) with a-b-a-b-a pattern.      This poem is also included in the Masculine Rhyme type because it has the same sound in the last syllable.      The rhyme scheme in this poem in the first stanza is Monorhyme, all lines in the verse end with the same rhyme. While, the second stanza is called Limmerick.

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost - Analysis Figurative Language

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. Analysis: 1. “ Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice." In the first and second lines of poetry, the word "some say" is used Anaphora . Anaphora is a type of figurative language in which words/phrases are repeated in a sentence. 2. “Some say the world will end in fire ,” The first line is also found in the figurative language Metaphor on the word "fire". The word "fire" has the same meaning as "desire" in this context. Because fire may represent a person's emotional temperament, as well as a person's desire. Desire is described as the cause of the end of the world in this poetry because desire will lead humans to the end...


            Wawancara adalah tanya jawab antara seorang wartawan dengan narasumber untuk mendapatkan data tentang sebuah fenomena (Itule dan Anderson 1987:184). Tentunya dalam proses wawancara pasti ada kesulitan yang dialami, seperti data atau informasi yang dikumpulkan sangat terbatas hal itu membuat data yang kita peroleh sangatlah sedikit dan kurang menarik jika dibentuk laporan tertulis. Lalu kesulitan lainnya, karena peneliti adalah orang asing, maka kepercayaan menjadi isu yang perlu diperhatikan. Hal itu akan sulit bagi informan untuk memberikan informasi yang dianggap sensitif dan penting untuk penelitian, sehingga kadang itu akan mengubah prilakunya atau ‘mengarang’ cerita. Kesulitan lainnya yaitu, waktu penelitian biasanya terbatas. Hal ini memakan waktu dan biaya yang besar jika dilakukan dalam suatu wilayah yang luas. Terakhir yang paling sering dialami yaitu kita harus mencari informan dan mengajukan kesanggupan informan menjadi bahan inf...

Pendapat mengenai Plagiarisme dalam berita

          Plagiaris dalam jurnalisme dilakukan dengan cara mengambil atau menjiplak tulisan jurnalistik milik jurnalis lain di media lain untuk dipublikasikan di media dimana jurnalis itu bekerja dengan inisial nama jurnalis yang menjiplak itu sendiri. Bila merujuk KBBI arti kata plagiat itu sendiri yaitu, Plagiat/pla·gi·at/  n  pengambilan karangan (pendapat dan sebagainya) orang lain dan menjadikannya seolah-olah karangan (pendapat dan sebagainya) sendiri, misalnya menerbitkan karya tulis orang lain atas nama dirinya sendiri; jiplakan sedangkan kata plagiarisme yaitu, Plagiarisme/pla·gi·a·ris·me/  n  penjiplakan yang melanggar hak cipta           Plagiarisme merupkan suatu tindakan yang dapat dianggap sebagai tindak pidana karena telah mencuri hak cipta orang lain. Karena sekarang jaman serba teknologi internet, segala bentuk apapun dapat dengan mudah dicari di internet. Kehadiran internet juga ...

Satoria Holtel Yogyakarta

              Satoria Hotel Yogyakarta is Satoria Group's pioneer 4-star International Class hospitality brand in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Designed for luxury and comfort, located just 5 minutes away from Adisucipto Airport, Satoria Hotel Yogyakarta is ideal for both business and leisure travelers. This hotel is located on Jl. Laksda Adisucipto Km.8, Kalongan, Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55282.        To find out more information and hotel reservations you can do on their website,                  The following is the information you can get on the website:  1. HOME           When you are on the homepage you will get a screen like the following. Then you can make an online reservation and can check the availability of rooms according to your needs. 2. ROOMS      Satoria hotel provi...


The experience of staying at the Hotel Hotel Neo Dipatiukur Bandung is very memorable. First, because of its strategic location. There are many places to eat and hang out around Hotel Neo Dipatiukur Bandung. From warteg, tent stalls, restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, everything are there. Some of them are Richeese Factory, McDonalds, Warung Upnormal, etc. This hotel is located at Jalan Dipati Ukur No.72 - 74, Lebakgede, Coblong District, Bandung City, West Java. The hotel is quite big. When entered into, we are treated to a modern, elegant interior design. In the hotel lobby there are several supporting facilities such as a seating area, newspapers, magazines, and welcome drinks. There is a lift and manual stairs in this hotel. This hotel also has a meeting room and restaurant inside. For the choice of Twin Room, the facilities contained in it are two single beds, wardrobe, telephone, Wifi, cable TV, AC, linen, room slippers, refrigerator, table, safe, even ironing facilities are i...